Courier &
Parcel Insurance

Courier & Parcel Insurance protects your shipments in all modes of transportation.

Our Courier insurance policies are flexible and can be adapted to your operation to complement your logistics services. We insure packages with an insured value of up to USD 2,000.


  • Partial or total loss by theft with violence.
  • Partial or total loss due to damage and the following events:
  • Loading and unloading operations.
  • Accident suffered by the transporting vehicle.
  • VMM. (Vandalism and Malicious Mischief), (Include acts by Guerrilla and Terrorism)
  • Riot, mutiny, civil or popular commotion and strike.
  • Fire and/or lightning, explosion or action to extinguish fire originated by such causes.
  • Acts of god such as earthquakes, landslides, floods and similar.
  • Contribution for gross average or common average.
  • Total theft or damages caused by international war, excluding countries in conflict.
  • Extension of coverage for permanence in bonded warehouse or customs warehouse for up to 45 days with no extra premium charge.


  • Coverage for all types of goods.
  • Insured routes to and from anywhere in the world.
  • Coverage for all modes of transportation.
  • To have the support of a recognized company in the market.